The Stubborn Life of Things
Duration: April 13 to July 27, 2013
Curator: Julia Höner
Wherever we come across human beings, we find them surrounded by things. Sometimes these fulfill functions necessary for survival, while at other times they are tools or toys, weapons or decorations, purchases or gifts. Many things in our environment, however, elude human absorption. In these cases, we are not in control of these things; instead, they take us under their wing. Objects in everyday use also occasionally have an uncontrollable secret life and formative energy of their own, which the exhibition at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION seeks to comprehend. Six international artists advance an understanding of things that goes beyond their function as human prostheses, as an archive of cultural practices, or as the simple materialization of higher (artistic) ideas. In videos, installations, sculptures, and photographs, the artists allow us to dive into the world of things, whose sensual guise can either seduce or provoke us, making them tangible, yet untranslatable at the same time. The works of art in this show encourage us to re-think the roles of clothes racks, automobiles, wall tiles, etc. as accomplices in human acts of all kinds.
A catalogue will be published by Kerber and released at the opening with a foreword by Monika Schnektkamp, texts by Julia Höner, Kerstin Schankweiler and Stefanie Stallschuss as well as a contribution by artist Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez.
88 pages, hard cover, German /English, numerous colour plates
Supported by
Exhibition views
Accompanying program
, 7 pm
Night of the Museums
Guided tours with the KAI 10 team as well as electronic sound experminets by Elektrohorror (Sven Vieweg).
, 7 pm
On the Obstinacy of Things - an other Phlenomenmology of the World of Things
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn, Frankfurt
Cultural Studies have focused for a long time on the media-related qualities of things. In recent times there has been a shift towards ways of percieving things and acting with them which thwart functional classifications.
Followed by a thematic program of artist´ films
, 7 pm
Thematic guided tours by students from the Art History Institute, Heinrich-Heine-Universtität, Düsseldorf. Headed by Arne Reimann